Softly Whimsical from our Ethereal Collection captures the grace of Blush Roses, the romantic allure of Pink Phlox, and the timeless beauty of Pink Carnations in an effortlessly elegant bouquet that celebrates love in its purest form.
This bouquet is available in three exquisite sizes and is cradled in our signature petal-soft bags. It arrives adorned in compostable wrapping, maintaining our commitment to sustainability, and is hand-delivered by our dependable delivery partners for that added touch of luxury.
Personalize your gift by adding a heartfelt note at checkout.
Blooms: Blush Roses, Pink Phlox, and Pink Carnations
*We reserve the right to substitute flowers with other varieties of the same or higher monetary value should some blooms not be available.
For customised requests, please contact us directly.
Sizing Reference:
A tree is planted with every order.
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £125.00
from £125.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £95.00
from £150.00